Fred Zacaria Podcast

Fred Zacaria Podcast is about a mission of announcing the incarnation of the eternal creator of all.

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Friday Jun 19, 2020

هلم ادخل مخادعك ، وأغلق أبوابك خلفك ، اختبئ نحو لحيظة حتى يعبر الوباء٠
إشعياء 26:20 

Sunday Jun 07, 2020

... stay home and wait till the wrath (disease) is gone. A christian mystic person is an above average equipped person to meditate and pray on the deep meanings of all events in life.

Thursday May 14, 2020

In questo audio spiego il perché del mio lungo silenzio, e verso la fine il versetto di Isaia 26:20 ci consiglia di stare a casa finché passa.
Al 12:45 parlo di un link per vedere screenshot di 4 locali gratis! Ecco il link :
e cerca la parola "locali".

concussione combustione consenso

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019

concussione combustione consenso viene da "tesi antitesi sintesi" degli antichi romani che lo hanno copiato dagli antichi egizi, la perversa natura umana cerca sempre di escogitare sistemi per manipolare il prossimo.
un nuovo ordine nel mondo sta per arrivare, un governo centralizzato, come faranno i gerarchi ad attuarlo usando tesi antitesi sintesi?
fred zacaria lo spiega in questo audio.
buon ascolto! qualsiasi domanda : sms 3807770333.

concoction combustion consensus

Wednesday May 29, 2019

Wednesday May 29, 2019

from ancient Rome "thesis antithesis sinthesis", here's how a one world community will be pulled off.

Monday May 27, 2019

Are you in Rome and searching for a part time job with elderly people, or baby sitting? Well, listen to the audio file and if you have any questions see Facebook profile "Fred Zacaria" , plenty of jobs there.
p.s. I speak slowly and clearly because many migrants in Italy remember and understand English but not so much (they know italian more, despite their II language back home was english), so its necessary to speak in that way!

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